Gloria says:
When I was a child, I very much wanted a bicycle of my own. But there was never enough money in my house for a bicycle for me. And the thought of never being able to get that bike really hurt. As a child of poverty, I came to know this feeling well. I grew up begging rides on bikes that belonged to other children. But I never completely abandoned hope of someday having one of my own. Yet, my most coveted thing in all the world -- a brand new red bicycle -- was a dream that never came true for me.
Later, it saddened me to see my younger brothers reach the point where they, too, began longing for a bicycle, only to wind up begging rides on the bikes of other children the way I had. When I saw the joy on their little faces upon receiving a used bicycle (one that they had to share), it made up in a way for all the times that I'd wanted a bike, but never got one.
I vowed to one day put this same kind of joy on as many little faces of poverty as I could. I feel blessed and fortunate today to be able to do that. There are very few things that give me greater pleasure than to see a smile come on a child's face upon receiving a new bicycle. Someone once said, "The best way to fill a 'hole' in your heart is to give away what you never had." Although I never had that bike of my own, giving away bicycles to other underprivileged children goes a long way to filling that hole in my heart.
I am living proof that there is a way that we can help these children escape the harsh grip of poverty -- by giving them hope -- hope in the form of a brand new bicycle. Because that "elusive bicycle" is symbolic of so many aspects of a poor child's life. With a bicycle comes not only hope for change but the gift of mobility. With mobility comes movement. And with movement comes increased opportunity for change.
Why Scholarship Awards?
Had it not been for scholarships, I could never have gone to college, and my life would not have been all that it has come to be. The lives of countless underprivileged children and their families will be enhanced and made more fulfilling with the advantage that a college education will afford. With a college education comes upward mobility. And with upward mobility comes the greatest opportunity for lifestyle change.
The Nexus: Mobility
Bicycles and Scholarships bring Mobility
A bicycle may seem like just another toy, but to a child a bicycle means so much more than that. Besides a fun thing to have, it means freedom and mobility, a way to get around and extend their boundaries (within set limits). With increased mobility, comes the chance to meet and bond with other children in the neighborhood.
A college scholarship can open the door to upward mobility for a deprived young student. By getting a chance to go to college, he/she not only has an opportunity to gain higher academic achievement but the means to move away from the repressed circumstances of his/her present life and into a better quality of life for the future.
The lives of countless displaced families were devastated by Hurricane Katrina (and Rita). Many lost everything. In keeping with the mission of the G&E Hill Foundation, our goal was to relieve some of the pain and suffering of the children in these displaced families. In the months and years to come, we plan to follow the academic progress of each bicycle recipient and, through our Thoroughbred Spirit Scholarship Awards Program, those earning a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher upon graduating from high school will receive a scholarship award.
In September 2008, Andraea Camble of Angel Lane, in Houston, Texas, became the first recipient of the G&E Hill Foundation's Thoroughbred Spirit Scholarship Award. Our goal is to expand our mission to award scholarships to many more deserving young students like Andraea Camble.
Why Disaster Relief Aid?
After witnessing the devastation wrought by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in August 2005, the G&E Hill Foundation expanded its mission to incorporate disaster relief aid into its humanitarian outreach.
Children and families displaced or harmed by such natural disasters often need a tremendous amount of assistance in order to recover and to have their normal way of life restored. The G&E Hill Foundation plans be there to make this happen and, wherever possible, stay the course and make their lives even better.
We have stayed the course for families displaced by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita (2005), as well as Hurricane Ike (2006), and we plan to be there for the youngest survivors (the orphans) of the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti (2010). Our work goes on.
Gloria Hill
Co-founder & Chair
G&E Hill Foundation
Have you counted your blessings lately?
How blessed we are to be living in this great country called America where prosperity abounds. Yet in our very backyards reside many for whom the American dream of prosperity has become a nightmare of poverty. Impoverished children need hope. Together we can give them hope.
That is the mission of the G&E Hill Foundation -- bringing hope to as many of these children as we can, hope of escaping the nightmare of poverty. Our annual Bicycle Giveaway program is just one way of putting a smile on a poor child's face. We believe there is no more coveted gift to a child than a bicycle. Add to it, the chance to go to college by receiving one of our scholarship awards. Please join us in helping make these dreams come true for underprivileged children.
You can help pay for the bikes! By donating just $50, you can give one child a bicycle, and in so doing become a member of the Bike-A-Tyke team and an honorary member of the Thoroughbred Spirit Circle.
A donation of $100 or more not only will purchase bicycles for more children but will get you a complementary copy of the novel, Thoroughbred: My House, My Block, by G. Dove Hill (a novel based on much of Gloria Hill's early childhood life growing up in poverty and harsh circumstances), but will make you a member of our Bike-A-Tyke team, and also an honorary member of the Thoroughbred Spirit Circle.
* Become A Volunteer *
With your help, each Christmas more and more underprivileged children in the Baltimore area, and beyond, will receive the most coveted gift of their young lives -- a brand new bicycle. Our Christmas Bicycle Giveaway has benefited children each year since 2004, not only here at home but beyond our borders to include the youngest victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita (2005).
Please join us by donating NOW!
Or, purchase one (or more) items below:
Click on the picture for price information and place your order NOW!
A major portion of the proceeds from all sales goes directly to the Foundation to support its
Annual Bicycle Giveaway, Scholarship Awards and Relief Aid Programs.
"Thank you for supporting our efforts to bring hope and happiness to children living in poverty and repression."