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Thoroughbred Spirit

What is the Thoroughbred Spirit?

Gloria says:
The Thoroughbred Spirit to me is an inner-most spiritual quality of one who has overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles and, in spite of every obstacle, reached back to help others. One who has the Thoroughbred Spirit exhibits most, or all, of the following characteristics:



















The Thoroughbred Spirit idea was greatly inspired by the loving label my father gave me as a little girl. I was his Li'l Thoroughbred. And I wrote about it in my book.

Moved by the childhood story of two beautiful thoroughbred racehorses told to her and her little sister by their father, a basically decent man tormented most of his life by the ravages of alcohol addiction, young Tenya Jackson tells of the gift he gave her before he died -- the notion that she was his "Li'l  Thoroughbred." How this signals to her, a lonely, love-starved, insecure, and confused child that, in spite of her doubts, she is very special to him. She tells of the tragic life of her father, a dreamer, a lover of horses, music and dance, and an alcoholic. And she shares the plight of her frustrated and disillusioned young mother, her younger blind sister, and two younger brothers, living in abject poverty and despair, until the choice to fight and rise above it is finally made.

One day, I sat down and made a list of as many people as I could think of who have the Thoroughbred Spirit, and who have inspired me to be the best that I can be. Each of these kind souls have touched my life in a significant way and made a difference (see Inspirations)

Do yourself a favor. Take time to remember all the Thoroughbred Spirits you know of who have overcome hardships, made it, and reached back to help others. Make a list of all the Thoroughbred Spirits who have inspired you, and made a difference in your life.

The Thoroughbred Spirit Circle

The Thoroughbred Spirit Circle is growing. All that it takes to join this special group is for you to have overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles in your life, and to have reached back to help others in need. The Thoroughbred Spirit Circle consists of people who are committed to giving back in order to bring hope and happiness to the less fortunate among us. Our mantra is: We've come up hard. We've made it. And we're giving back!  We are Genuine Thoroughbred Spirits.

If you did not come up hard, but you have achieved much, have a giving spirit and are willing to support the efforts of the G&E Hill Foundation either by making a donation of as little as $50 or more, or by purchasing at least $50 worth of items listed for sale on the Merchandise page, your name will be added to the Thoroughbred Spirit Circle in red letters, making you an Honorary Thoroughbred Spirit.

Muhammad Ali
Ernestine Allen
Hallie Allen
Dr. Maya Angelo
Rev. T. A. Arguelles
Michael Baisden
Ben & Thelma Bates
Edith & Yancy Bates
Willie & Barbara Bates
Yancy Bates, Jr.
Sharon Baylis
Joshua & Laura Bessicks, Sr.
Joshua & Linda Bessicks, Jr.
Lois M. Bias
Bessie Black
Dr. Gregory Branch
Elliot Bratton
Charlie Benjamin
Tria Boatwright
Victor Boatwright
Rev. Dorothy Borum
Jean Bourne
Alana M. Brown
Annetta A. Brown
Gloria Brown
James Brown
Jessie L. Brown
Jimmy Brown
Phyllis A. Brown
Rev. Barbara Bulware
Aaron Burrell
Candace Burrell
Courtney Burrell
Patricia Burrell
Zelma Butler
Lois Haley Butts
Elease "Pidge" Cain
Allen & Margie Caldwell
Dr. Benjamin Carson
Dr. Harold Carter
Dr. J. L. Carter
Clifton Chandler
Vincent & Yvonne Clark
Roy & Willia M. Coleman
Willie Roy & Marsha Coleman
Sean Diddy Combs
Vivian E. Cook
Bill Cosby
Camille Cosby
Ennis Cosby
Vanessa Curry
Mildred Crowder
Kim Vien Dang
Rev. Roosevelt Davenport
Caroline Davis
Ellen DeGeneres
Felecia Diggs
Frederick Douglass
Eugenia Drye
Maggie Edwards
Rev. David Erickson
Dr. Rick Erwin
Fay Evans
Denise Ferguson
Rev. Bruce Foster
Teresa G. Foster
Rev. Charles M. Franklin, Jr.
Dr. Charles M. Franklin, Sr.
Daisy Franklin
Bishop Larry Frazier, Sr.
Bea Gaddy
Chris Gardner
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Geffrard
Kenneth Gladden
Betty J. Glascoe
Elizabeth B. Glymph
J.C. Glymph
Johnny Glymph
Mary Ellen Goldsborough
Wilhelmina Goldsborough
L. Gordon
Juan Graham
Maryetta Graham
Patricia Green
Art Griffin
Valerie & Michael Gunn
Alex Haley
Beverly Hall
Jannie & Louis Hall
Tamu Habiibullah
Gladys Hardy
Rev. Denis J. Harlow
Rev. William E. Hayman, Jr.
Bishop J. Neaul Haynes
Julius Henson
Izaac Hester
Agnes Hill
Allan Hill
Audrey Hill
Candace Hill
Joan T. Hill
Keith Hill
Kendra Hill
Kevin Hill
Kim Hill
Oliver Hill
Tony Hill
Wendy Hill
Thomasita Holland
Julius Hudson
Ruben Santiago Hudson
Cathy Hughes
Candi Humphrey
Jeannie Huynh
Julian Huynh
Bishop Alfred & Gladys Jackson
Cora Jackson
Rev. Corey Jackson
Frank Jackson
Ivan Jackson
Kai Jackson
Bonnie & Joseph Jefferson
Rev. Clifford M. Johnson, Jr.
Bishop Clifford M. Johnson, Sr.
Florence Johnson
Ernestine Jones
Mildred Kelly
Gayle King
Michael King
Rev. Harold Knight
Beyonce Knowles
Vivian A. Lakes
Yvonne Shinhoster Lamb

Clara Leatherbury
Robert E. Lee
Dollie Little
Barbara Lloyd
Mother Malone
Dr. Joanne Martin
Magnolia & Buddy Means
Dr. John C. Merritt
Kweisi Mfume
Sheila Mitz
Rev. Patrick Mockler
Frances B. Monroe
David L. Moore
Dr. Basil Morgan
Catherine A. Neal
Paul & Joanne W. Newman
Jenny Nguyen
President Barack & Michelle Obama
Anna Parrish
Sondra & Lester Pearson
 Fred & Lois Peoples
John & Lucille Peoples
Robert & Bessie Peoples
Robert & Sarah Peoples
Theodore & Darlene Peoples
Tyler Perry
Caroline B. Phillips
Paul Pisarski
Regina Pollitt
Sidney Poitier
Joan M. Pratt
Bonnie & Charles Pullen
Julia Randall
Ruth & Dallas Reed
Dr. Frank M. Reid, III
Christine Regusters
Shirley Roles
Carlos Santana
Diane Sawyer
Marie S. Schwartzenegger
Stanley "Dusty" Scurry
Martha Seabrooks
Troy Serisis
Annette Sharp
Michelle Sharp
Angela Shelton
James Shelton
Eunice Kennedy Shriver
Sargent Shriver
Gus & Joanne Simpson
Dr. P.M. Smith
Jerry Stamper
Robert Stastny
Mattie Stepanek
Glenda Stephenson
Rev. Donald Sterling
Stan Stovall
Calvin Taylor
Bishop Walter S. Thomas, Sr.
Anthony Thompson, Sr.
Clyde & Lucille Thompson
Eunice Shelton Thompson
Frank Thompson
Frankie Thompson
James Thompson, Jr.
James Thompson, Sr.
Janet Kim Thompson
Rev. Larry & Lois Thompson
Larry Thompson, Sr.
Lois Thompson
Marie Thompson
Mary Thompson
Mary Ellen Thompson
Nancina Thompson
Natalie Thompson
Ray Thompson
Renee Thompson
Romeo & Minnie Thompson
Sadie Thompson
Tommy Lee Thompson, Jr.
Tommy Lee Thompson, Sr.
Tavin & Michelle Thompson
Tracy Thompson
Vivian Thompson-Williams
DeViolet Thrash
Felicia Y. Trower
Harriet Tubman
Betty J. & Larry Tucker
Rev. Norris Turner
Pauline "Polly" Vain
Laura Wallace
Donald Wallace
Timia Whittaker
George Wilbourne
Doris G. Williams
Evelyn Williams
Kenyetta Williams
Dr. Barbara Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey
Vernon Winfrey
Dolores L. Winston
Fred & Dorothy Woodard
Jessie & Roland Woodard
Alana Wright
Letitia Wright
Steve Wynn
Tommy Scott Young
Nancy Lee Young
Dr. Donald Zack
Dr. Kang Zhang

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