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Picture of first bicycles purchased for less fortunate children |
Bringing Hope and Happiness to Poverty's Child
and Bringing "Family" Back


A better day lies ahead for thousands of children left orphaned by Haiti's deadly earthquake on January 12, 2010.
(for more on how you can help, click Child Sponsorship)
1st Annual Hope & Happiness Benefit Gala - October 29, 2010
A Huge Success!
Thanks to the success of its 1st Annual Hope & Happiness Benefit Gala, the G&E Hill Foundation raised much-needed funds to support its efforts on behalf of the young orphans in Haiti, who became unfortunate victims of the devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck near Port-au-Prince on January 12, 2010. Our ongoing mission is to bring hope and happiness to children in need here at home, as well as children in need beyond our borders.
Everyone had a blast on October 29, 2010 at The Forum in Baltimore, Maryland, as the Foundation kicked off its First Annual Hope & Happiness Benefit Gala to aid children in need. Ernestine Jones, host of Gospel Grace that airs on 88.9 FM radio (WEAA) every Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., did a fantastic job presiding over the festivities. All in attendance had a great time, from Baltimore City Comptroller, Joan M. Pratt, the event Co-chairperson, to the planning committee, to the gifted performers - the Damon Antonio Singers and Dancers, the EBC Mime Group and Praise Dancers, Comedian, Robert Richardson, DJ, Jerry Stamper and Travis Winkey Company Models. (to see Benefit Gala 2010 photos, click Gallery)
The piece de resistance proved to be the wonderful group of people, who came out to support the Foundation's mission of bringing hope and happiness to children in need. Many of them stepped up and agreeing to sponsor some of the over 700,000 children left orphaned by the tragic earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010. We, at the G&E Hill Foundation, are deeply grateful to everyone who showed up that night to lend their support on behalf of the impoverished, repressed and disadvantaged children that we are committed to helping.
Bicycle Giveaway and Scholarship Awards 2009
This year, the smiling faces of many children in need, happy to receive brand new bicycles of their own for Christmas, greeted the G&E Hill Foundation volunteers. It was a great day on December 3, 2009, when the Foundation also presented bicycles to the United States Toys for Tots Program. We are ever reaching higher.
Congratulations to Earl Ray Hurst, III!!!
Entering college in the fall of 2009, Earl Ray Hurst III was thrilled to be a most deserving recipient of the G&E Hill Foundation's Thoroughbred Spirit Scholarship Award. In 2005, this very bright young man and his family lost their home in New Orleans, Louisiana, to Hurricane Katrina. After his family was relocated to Angel Lane in Houston, Texas (thanks to Oprah Winfrey's Angel Network intervention -- building brand new homes for hundreds of displaced Hurricane Katrina families), Earl was enrolled in a new school in Houston, Texas.
Sadly, shortly after the family moved into their new home in Houston, Earl's mother was struck by a car and killed. Yet, in spite of this unfathomable tragedy, the difficulties that it brought and the many hardships he and his family have endured, Earl was able to recover and, in time, he was back to earning high grades in school.
We are extremely proud of the accomplishments of this bright young honor student, another one of the over 100 G&E Hill Foundation bicycle recipients living on Angel Lane to receive this special scholarship award. We look forward to awarding more scholarships in the future to our young bicycle recipients, who follow the example set by Earl Ray Hurst, III.
Earl Says:
"The G&E Hill Foundation has helped me so much. It helped me pay for tuition, and it is a big help to me in buying books and other school equipment. The refund checks that I receive from this award keeps me from having to worry about money to pay for these things. Whenever I need anything for school, I can draw from it. My mother would have been very proud of me. She always wanted to see me go to college. Without this scholarship, I would not have been able to enroll at Grambling State University, where I made the Dean's List in my first semester." (for more from Earl, click Feedback)
Bicycle Giveaway 2008 and
Scholarship Awards 2008
Congratulations to Andraea Camble!!!
This fall the G&E Hill Foundation presented its first Thoroughbred Spirit Scholarship Award to Andraea Camble. In 2005, this very bright young lady and her family lost their home in New Orleans, Louisiana, to Hurricane Katrina. After her displaced family was relocated to Angel Lane in Houston, Texas (thanks to Oprah Winfrey's Angel Network intervention -- building brand new homes for hundreds of displaced Hurricane Katrina families), Andraea was enrolled in a new school in Houston, Texas. In spite of the many hardships she and her family experienced, she continued to maintain high grades. We are proud of the accomplishments of this young honor student, the first of over 100 G&E Hill Foundation bicycle recipients living on Angel Lane to receive this scholarship award. We look forward to awarding more scholarships in the future to many of our young bicycle recipients who follow the example set by Andraea Camble.
Andraea Says:
"The G&E Hill Foundation has helped me in a lot of ways. After all the things that we've been through after (Hurricane) Katrina, this scholarship really helped our financial situation, as far as paying off tuition, buying equipment for school, software and books. It made things much easier. I was able to get a laptop. With this type of program, you need, like, a lot of equipment and software, and the scholarship helped pay for these things. That really helped to lift my spirits." (for more from Andraea, click Feedback)
In order to seed a special relief aid to victims of last year's Hurricane Ike, the Foundation suspended its 2008 Bicycle Giveaway. Our outreach efforts were facilitated by partnerships with compassionate church leaders -- Pastor Rick Erwin in Beaumont, Texas, Pastor Emmett Burns, Baltimore, Maryland, Pastor Diana Lanier in Crosby, Texas, and community leaders.
Bicycle Giveaway 2007
Once again, bicycles donated by G&E Hill Foundation to children in need in the Greater Baltimore Area, put big smiles on hundreds of young faces. On Saturday, December 15, 2007, the Foundation reached five targeted areas in Baltimore City and County. Bicycles were also donated by the Foundation to the U.S. Marine Toys for Tots Organization.
The Foundation looks forward to presenting in 2008 its first scholarship awards to bicycle recipients (2006) who, upon graduating from high school, have earned a cumulative 3.0 GPA or higher.
Giving to children in need, to any degree, is a wonderful thing because the need is so great. The goal of the Foundation is to donate 10,000 bicycles to less fortunate children by the end of 2008. With continued support from individuals, similarly committed organizations and corporations, this goal can be met.
Bicycle Giveaway 2006
Hundreds of underprivileged children received brand new bicycles for Christmas on December 16, 2006, from the G&E Hill Foundation through Thoroughbred Spirit Bicycle Giveaway Program. A full-circle moment came for the organization's co-founder, Gloria Hill, after returning to the neighborhood where she grew up too poor as a child to get a bicycle of her own, to present over 100 bicycles to children between the ages of 4 and 16 years. The G&E Hill Foundation also donated bicycles to the U.S. Marine Toys for Tots that day.
A week later, on December 23, 2006, the Foundation, in partnership with Oprah 's Angel Network, presented the young survivors of Hurricane Katrina (and Rita) -- the children of displaced families now living on Angel Lane in Houston, Texas -- with brand new bicycles & Treasure Boxes of gifts and toys. Elves & More, a similarly-committed children's charity based in Houston, joined in helping with the donations, delivery and distribution. Santa was there, too.
Cheers went up from the Angel Lane families upon receiving an unexpected surprise -- the announcement that the G&E Hill Foundation is planning to award its first college scholarships in 2008 to deserving Angel Lane students who, upon graduating from high school, have earned a cumulative 3.0 GPA or higher. (to view photos, click Gallery)
Make a donation of just $50 and you will be paying for the purchase and delivery of a bicycle for one underprivileged child, 4 to 16 years of age. You then become a member of the Bike-A-Tyke Team and your name will be added to the Bike-A-Tyke list
(for more on this go to Fundraisers).
If you cannot give $50, then give what you can -- $10, $25. Whatever amount you are able to contribute will go towards making sure that some child in need receives a brand new bicycle for Christmas.
Note: Each bicycle recipient who, upon graduating from high school, has earned a cumulative 3.0 GPA or higher, will receive a college scholarship award from the G&E Hill Foundation.
"Thank you for continuing to support our efforts to bring hope and happiness to children living in poverty!"
Have you ever really wanted some- thing, but no matter how hard you work, you can't afford to buy it -- a car, a house?
With hopes high, still you imagine yourself owning that special something. You save your money and steadfastly hold onto your dream of someday being able to own it. But what if you think you'll never be able to save enough money to afford that special something you so covet? It's a sinking feeling.
Now you have an idea of what poverty feels like for a child wishing futilely for a bicycle -- the one thing he/she wants most in the world but his/her parents cannot afford to buy.
A bicycle may seem like just another toy, but to a child a bicycle means so much more than that. Besides a fun thing to have, it means freedom and mobility, a way to get around and extend their boundaries (within set limits). With increased mobility, comes the chance to meet and bond with other children.
In addition to its annual Bicycle Giveaway to children in need, The G&E Hill Foundation follows the academic progress of each of its bicycle recipients and provides them an opportunity for upward mobility through its annual Scholarship Awards Program. (for more on this, click The Foundation)
Poor children spend their young lifetimes wishing and hoping for things that they often never get. It is a sad fact of their lives. [More info...]
2023: Bicycle Giveaway
The G & E Hill Foundation is proud to continue its mission to bring hope and happiness to children in need through its Bicycle Give Away Program . Due to set back this year brought on by a huge watermain break in the vicinity surrounding our storage facility, many items that we plan to distribute this year were damaged irreparably. In spite of it all, we were able to continue our giveaway program with the help of a few distributors and The United States Marine Toys for Tots program.
2022 and 2021: Bicycle Giveaway
2022 and 2021 were hampered considerably by the lingering Outbreak of COVID. The shortage of distributors during these two year for the games and bicycles hampered the foundation’s ability to distribute on a large scale. COVID did not disrupt our ability to work with the United States Marine Toys for Tots program. Many smiles were brought to children in need through this partnership.
2020: Bicycle Giveaway
Once again, many happy faces and huge smiles of young bicycle recipients greeted G&E Hill Foundation members during our annual bicycle giveaway 2020. (to see photos click GALLERY above)
This year our focal school was Lockerman Bundy Elementary School #261. We work with the Principal Kimberly Hill-Miller and staff in conjunction with the school's motivational incentives program. (see letter of thanks below)
Happy New Year!
I hope that all is well! I would like to thank you for your generous donation of bicycles for the students at Lockerman Bundy Elementary School #261. Students and parents were very excited to receive the bicycles. The bicycle giveaway was an incentive for students to complete their individualized math tutoring sessions twice a week. The announcements of the bicycle giveaway had increased the participation rate by 40% for students in grades 3-5.
We will continue to offer incentives each quarter to students that will assist with their participation in the tutoring sessions. Please consider our school in the future to support our students with incentives.
I have attached photos of the students who won the bicycles. I also included our morning announcement video that announced the winners of the bikes. Thank you again for your support!
Here is the link for the announcement. https://www.wevideo.com/view/1990422765
Kimberly Hill-Miller
Lockerman Bundy Elementary School #261
301 N. Pulaski St.
Baltimore, MD 21223
Also, the G & E HILL Foundation made a generous donation this year to The United States Marine Toys for Tots Foundation- Coordinator, STAFF SGT.Robert Garcia.
2019: Bicycle Giveaway
Many happy faces and huge smiles of young bicycle recipients greeted G&E Hill Foundation members during our annual bicycle giveaway 2019. (to see photos click here or click GALLERY above)
This year our focal school was Harlem park elementary/ middle school #35 at 1401 West Lafayette Ave Baltimore MD 21217. We work with the Facility Social Worker Community Outreach Services (SWCOS). (see letter of thanks below)
Attach are the pictures from our giveaway. The kids were beyond excited and shocked! Thank you again for making an amazing holiday for our scholars.
Danielle Harris, LCSW-C Community School coordinator
Highland Park Elementary Middle School #35
In addition, brand new bicycles were presented to the children of St John's Transformation Baptist Church. Pastor, Ronald Covington and Assistant, Felecia Diggs were instrumentals in helping coordinate this effort. Many thanks to them.
Also, the G & E HILL Foundation donated Brand New Bicycles to The United States Marine Toys for Tots Foundation- Coordinator, STAFF SGT. Jonathan Bowman
(see letter below)
2019 Annual Giving Statement
Toys for Tots.org
G&E Hill Foundation
PO Box 21347
Baltimore MD 21282- 1347
Dear Caring Friends,
I am writing you today to report some wonderful news! Thanks to the generosity of kind support like you, the heart of the 7 million less fortunate children were filled with joy last Christmas. Your loyalty support of Marine Toys for Tots Foundation In 2019 help made it all possible.
I hope you take pride in the sharing accomplishment because, truly, we couldn't do what we do without you. On Christmas morning, you keep the magic of Christmas - and hope - alive for children whose lives you touch. You let boys and girls know they matter and that someone cares
And for parent who are struggling just food on the table, your gift is a blessing - a reminder of the goodness that exists in the world. Thanks to you, their children won't have wonder why Santa didn't come.
With Heartfelt Gratitude,
Ted Silvester Colonel, USMC(Ret) Vice President, Marine Toys for Tots Foundation
NOTE: Great News! We recently learned that our friend, Stevie Wonder, who had Kidney transplant procedure in September 2019, is during fine. We wish him the best going forward.
. (to see photos click here or click GALLERY above)
2018: Bicycle Giveaway
Another Christmas season has passed that G&E Hill Foundation has brought smiles to many children in need. This year, not only were brand new bicycles presented to Toys for Tots, but also to the children of St John's Transformation Baptist Church – Pastor, Ronald Covington / Assistant, Felecia Diggs, and to
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Elementary Middle School - Principal, Rachel Brunson.
(see letter below)
Jan 9 at 5:14 PM
Good Evening,
Attached you will find the pictures from the bike give away. We appreciate your generosity and the kids were excited to receive the bikes. The schools name is
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Elementary Middle and the Principals name is Rachel Brunson. Please let me know if you any questions. Thanks again!
God Bless
Pastor Ronald Covington
St John's Transformation Baptist Church
(to see photos click here or click GALLERY above)
Sadly, this year, the Foundation's Chair, Gloria Hill, lost her 97-year old mother shortly before Christmas. Although, the joy of the season was dampened, the Foundation mission continued bringing happiness to many children in need during its Annual Bicycle Giveaway 2018, as her mother would have wanted.
2017: Bicycle Giveaway
G&E Hill Foundation held its annual Bicycle Giveaway for children in need during the 2017 Christmas season. Brand new bicycles were donated to the U. S. Marine Toys for Tots Foundation via Staff Sgt. Brandon Valentine, the St. John's Transformation Baptist Church via Pastor Roland Covington, Assistant Felecia Diggs, and Dorothy Height Elementary School via Principal Tamara Hanson. We were pleased to receive the following letter of gratitude from both the school principal and church pastor:
Thank you so much for your generosity and support. The students, staff and Principal
Tamara Hanson appreciate it. Enjoy the rest of the holiday season.
God Bless
Pastor Ronald Covington
St. John's Transformation Baptist Church
(click here to see photos) / (for more photos click GALLERY above)
We value our many partnerships down through the years with churches, schools, other children's charitable organizations, such as Oprah Winfrey Angel Network and Elves and More's headed by David Moore, during Hurricane Katrina in 2006. Going forward,GEHF has on its radar plans to forge a partnership with Stevie Wonder and his charitable organization, Room full of Toys.
(click here to see photos) / (for more photos click GALLERY above)
2016: Bicycle Giveaway
The 2016 Christmas season found the G&E Hill Foundation (GEHF) partnering with St. Johns Transformation Baptist Church and Matthew Henson Elementary/Middle School, in Baltimore City, donating bicycles to children in need. Putting smiles on their faces upon receiving brand new bicycles was a heartwarming experience for GEHF volunteers, as well as St. Johns Pastor, Ronald Covington, Pastor Emeritus, Bertha Borum, Church Outreach Coordinator, Felecia Diggs, and Matthew Henson E/M School Principal, Dave Guzmon.
(click here to see photos)
GEHF's ongoing outreach efforts on behalf of children in need will include our proposal to forge a unique partnership, during the 2017 Christmas season, between two like-minded children's charitable organizations, the G&E Hill Foundation and Room Full of Toys, founded by renowned Stevie Wonder.
2016: Presidential Election (11-08-2016)
Fired up and Ready to VOTE!!!
"Don't BOO! VOTE!!! Vote for Hillary Clinton. We can't take anything for granted! VOTE!!!" These words were loudly shouted by President Obama on Thursday, November 3, 2016, to the huge crowd that booed when he vigorously criticized Donald Trump's negative campaign comments. If you missed the president's motivational campaign speech for Hillary Clinton in Miami, you missed these powerful words and more. Equally strong words printed in a 2014 news article were written by activist and author, Gloria Hill, wit activist Edith Childs.
Gloria Hill: Read VOICES: We Got Your Back Mr. President (Available at Amazon.com and GEHILL.com).
Edith Childs: "Fired up and Ready to Go!!!" (2008 / 2012)
President Obama: "Choose Hope! Go VOTE!!!! (2016)
The 2014 news article, Fired up and Ready to VOTE, still holds true today. To read this timely article, click the link below:
2015: A Memorable Year
Bicycle Giveaway 2015 &
Stevie Wonder Concert
This year, during the Christmas season, the G&E Hill Foundation, in partnership with the U.S. Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, provided hundreds of bicycles to children in need. (click here to see photos)
Prior to this joyful joint giving mission that put big smiles on many young faces, Gloria and Eddie Hill, in late 2014, received an unexpected treat – a chance to meet the gifted musical genius, Stevie Wonder. Gloria's sister, Nancina, who was born blind -- a huge Stevie Wonder fan -- was thrilled to hear that she was also invited. The Songs in the Key of Life concert, held on November 9, 2014, at the Royal Farms Arena, in Baltimore, Maryland, was an awesome experience. Backstage after the concert, they were surprised to see hundreds of other fans waiting, in three huge receiving rooms, to meet and greet Stevie, too.
The trio was in for another surprise when, later backstaage, the famous music icon invited them to a return concert to be held in Baltimore, on April 9, 2015. They gladly accepted. Upon arriving, they were greeted at the entrance with special VIP passes. As expected, this second concert was spectacular, too. After THE SHOW, they got to meet Stevie Wonder backstage, once again. This time, in a private setting where each was able to speak with him, one on one.
During conversations between Stevie Wonder and the Hills, the idea of combining the efforts of their respective children's charitable organizations -- Stevie Wonder's Room Full of Toys Foundation and the Hills' G&EHill Foundation -- was suggested as a future partnership initiative. Such a partnership would extend, exponentially, the giving mission of both organizations, on behalf of children in need, for years to come. (click here to see photos)
Bicycle Giveaway 2014
December 13, 2014
The G&E Hill Foundation (GEHF) held its Annual Bicycle Giveaway to benefit children in need, on Saturday, December 13, 2014. In the spirit of Christmas, Santa was there to help present not only bikes, bikes, and more bikes, but other surprise gifts, too. The Toys for Tots Foundation provided trucks to deliver the bicycles to each destination point. The Bicycle Giveaway team traveled from Dundalk, in Baltimore County, and into the city on this much-needed mission. Children stood outside in the cold, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the bicycles, at several locations -- Watersedge Baptist Church, New Lutheran Methodist Church, Ray of Hope Baptist Church, and St Johns Transformation Baptist Church - Franklin Square Elementary / Middle school. Many smiling young faces lit up that day, as Toys for Tots Marine Staff Sergeant William Hoornstra and Staff Sergeant Brown assisted each child in picking out a brand new bicycle.
Many thanks to all of our volunteers and to FOX-45 TV for sending one of its news reporters to cover the day’s joyful giving event. (to see Bicycle Giveaway photos, click Gallery)
College Scholarship Awards 2014
August 2014: Proud Scholarship Award Recipient
Congratulations to Jarne Johnson!!!
It has been more than nine years ago, August 23, 2005, that Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, Louisiana, displacing thousands of families. In the aftermath of this devastating disaster, Oprah Winfrey called on everyone to do whatever they could to help in the recovery efforts. She built over 100 homes in Houston, Texas for families in New Orleans that had lost their homes. This plea from Oprah sparked the idea for GEHF to donate brand new bicycles to each child (age 5 to 16) in a displaced family. In December 23, 2006, the G&E Hill Foundation (GEHF) gifted new bicycles to hundreds of children in need. This outreach mission also included basic needs for the families and promised follow-up college scholarship awards to the young bicycle recipients, who maintained a 3.0 cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average) by the time they graduated from high school. Since then, each deserving bicycle recipient on Angel Lane, in Houston, Texas, has received a $1,000 Thoroughbred Spirit Scholarship Award from GEHF.
Jarne Johnson was one of the Foundation’s youngest bicycle recipients, back in December 2006. In 2014, GEHF proudly presented her with a $1,000 Thoroughbred Spirit Scholarship Award. She is now a freshman attending the University of Texas at Austin.
Bicycle Giveaway 2013
December 2013
This year, the G&E Hill Foundation continued its mission to bring hope and happiness to impoverished, repressed, and disadvantaged children. Whether it is one, ten, or 10,000 bicycles that the Foundation donates each year to children in need, seeing a big smile come over the happy face of each poor child upon receiving a brand new bicycle during the Christmas season, overshadows the numbers. We were very disappointed that our Annual Bicycle Giveaway fell short of its goal to significantly increase the numbers. As always, the need is greater than our limited resources. But our determination to do more remains strong. You can help us meet the lofty goal that we set years ago of donating 10,000 bicycles to children in need, by donating generously to support this much needed and worthwhile cause.
Follow-up College Scholarship Awards to each of our deserving bicycle recipients is a vital part of the Foundation's outreach efforts. Mobility is key. We are grateful for any help our supporters give to ensure that disadvantaged children not only receive recreational mobility through our Bicycle Giveaway program, but upward mobility through our College Scholarship Awards program. (to make a donation, click Donate at the top of the page / to see Bicycle Giveaway photos, click Gallery)
A Book Release Party - Saturday, November 3, 2012
Gloria Hill has written a timely new book entitled, VOICES: We Got Your Back, Mr. President. Over 100 voices in this book speak about the ins, the outs, the ups and downs of President Barack Obama's long road to the White House. It is a revealing account of the never-ending obstructionism from the far right, the bitter Tea Party faction of the Republican Party, that he was met with right from the start. A must read, a riveting account of it all -- the good, the bad, the ugly, and the truth..
A Book Release Party to celebrate the release of her book was held, instead of the Annual Benefit Gala sponsored by G&E Hill Foundation, with sales proceeds going to support the Foundation's efforts on behalf of children in need. Books may be purchased by clicking Merchandise. (click the How You Can Help section for other ways to offer your support / to see Book Release Party photos, click Gallery / to see Book Release Reviews, click News)
2011: A Memorable Year!!!
White House Invitation - December 11, 2011
A longtime supporter of President Obama, G&E Hill Foundation Co-founder and Chair, Gloria Hill, received a wonderful surprise in December 2011 -- an invitation to attend the Holiday Reception at the White House. The huge array of Christmas decorations were quite beautiful. The splendid décor, with historical memorabilia in every room, was especially captivating. Throughout the tour, guests were greeted by portrait after portrait of every United States President gracing the hallowed walls of the White House. Officials, staff and other invited guests were extremely cordial and friendly. Of course, the food was plentiful and delicious. .
Finally, getting to meet and pose for a picture (along with her son, a United States Secret Service Agent, and Assistant Director of Homeland Security, Human Resources and Training), with President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, was a real treat. The White House Holiday Reception held on Sunday, December 11, 2011, was an enjoyable and most memorable experience. A truly great day. (to see White House photos, click Gallery)
2nd Annual Hope & Happiness Benefit Gala - November 26, 2011
A great time was had at the 2nd Annual Hope & Happiness Benefit Gala held by the G&E Hill Foundation, on November 26, 2011, at the Pikesville Community Hall. This event was helped raise much-needed funds to support its efforts on behalf of young orphans in Haiti, who became unfortunate victims of the devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck near Port-au-Prince on January 12, 2010. The annual event also helps support the Foundation in its mission to bring hope and happiness to children in need here at home through its Annual Bicycle Giveaway and Scholarship Awards Program.
Many thanks to all who attended, as well as to those who made contributions in support of the Foundation's ongoing efforts on behalf of children in need. (to see Benefit Gala 2011 photos, click Gallery)
Bicycle Giveaway 2011
November / December 2011
Although, the struggling economy tremendously slowed the amount of contributions that the Foundation received this year, still its Annual Bicycle Giveaway was held. Only a small number of bicycles, relative to previous years, were distributed to children in need during this Christmas season. The need remains so great, and the resources are so limited. The Foundation plans to push even harder to reach its lofty goal of 10,000 bicycles to be donated next year. You can help us meet this goal by donating generously, from the heart, to this worthy cause. (to see Bicycle Giveaway 2011 photos, click Gallery)
College Scholarship Awards 2011
August 2011: Proud Scholarship Award Recipient:
Congratulations to Jaleesa Johnson!!!
Jaleesa Johnson, formerly of Houston, Texas (now living in San Diego, CA), is another young survivor of Hurricane Katrina, who received a brand new bicycle from G&E Hill Foundation during its 2006 Bicycle Giveaway. This year, she became another proud recipient of the Foundation's Thoroughbred Spirit Scholarship Award.
Jaleesa has this to say about the Foundation and its follow-up scholarship awards program:
I am very grateful to the G&E Hill Foundation for this scholarship award. It has helped me to pay the remainder of my first semester tuition. It relieved my financial burden in many ways. I feel very good now about my chances of becoming a fashion designer someday, because of the opportunity that this award has given me. My major is fashion design. I feel great about what the G&E Hill Foundation has done for me and what it is doing to help its other bicycle recipients go to college. Thanks so much!!! (to see pictures of Jaleesa and her father, click Gallery)
Outreach 2010: Bicycle Giveaway, College Scholarship Awards and Disaster Relief Aid to Children in Need
2010 turned out to be a good year for many of our children in need. Still we fell short of meeting the goals that were set for this year. Our operating budget was meager in comparison to previous years. Yet, our Bicycle Giveaway, Follow-up College Scholarship Awards and Disaster Relief Aid provided welcome assistance to many children (and their families) in need.
Many thanks to Felecia Diggs and St. Johns Transformation Baptist Church for helping to facilitate our Bicycle Giveaway to children in need at Franklin Square Elementary School during this Christmas season. The G&E Foundation also donated brand new bicycles to the United States Marine Toys for Tots program. Many of the underprivileged Toys for Tots children that wanted a bicycle for Christmas, but their parents could not afford to buy them one, got one with our help.
This year, the smiling faces were far fewer than we had hoped. Our lofty goal of 10, 000 bicycles was not achieved, but that did not deter our outreach mission from helping as many children in need as we could. We depend on the generosity of others and are grateful for the support and assistance we receive from all of our supporters, including our church partners listed below:
Scholarship Awards 2010
Congratulations to Ariel McFarland and Ashley Flot!!!
Upon graduation from high school, Ariel McFarland and Ashley Flot, of Houston, Texas, two young survivors of Hurricane Katrina that received bicycles from G&E Hill Foundation's 2006 Bicycle Giveaway, became two more of the Foundation's follow-up Thoroughbred Spirit Scholarship Award recipients in September of 2010. Ariel and Ashley were very happy to learn that they were going to be receiving this award. Once in college, they let us know how they are doing and how much this award has helped them.
Ashley Flot, who is majoring in Fashion Design, expressed her thanks below:
"The G&E Hill Foundation scholarship award has helped me in so many ways. It relieved my financial burdens by paying some of my college expenses. I was able to pay for books and the remainder of my first semester tuition. I feel great about what the G&E Hill Foundation has done for me and what they are doing to help other children on Angel Lane, who received bicycles from them years ago, go to college."
We are working feverishly to provide relief assistance to Haitian orphans, the youngest survivors of the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck near Port-au-Prince, Haiti on January 12, 2010.
The Foundation's 2010 Bicycle Giveaway was down-sized in order to seed its Haiti earthquake orphan relief mission. We have taken on the challenge of providing relief aid for 80 orphans in Haiti that lost mothers, fathers and, in some cases, entire families. We are currently seeking Child Sponsors for these precious orphans. Although, a few people have agreed to sponsor a child, the number of sponsors needed still remains high. Before the earthquake, there were 300,000 orphans in Haiti. In the aftermath, there are now over 700.000 orphans. The need for compassion and aid is urgent.
Many thanks to Bessie Black and the Eucharistic Ministers - All Saints Catholic Church for donating a full-year in advance sponsorship of one of our young orphan in need in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. We are also grateful to all of our Child Sponsors, whose names are listed on the Family Tree found on the Child Sponsorship page. You can help by adding your name to the list of sponsors and begin providing your much-needed support for at least one orphan in Haiti. (for details about the program and how you can become a sponsor, click Child Sponsorship.
The need is greater than the generosity extended. So your contnued support is much needed. For ways you can help, click Relief Fund, and go to How You Can Help.